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Toucan Security

Reporting bugs

To report any bugs or vulnerabilities found on our platform, you have two options for submitting bug reports:

Bug Bounty Program

We have partnered with Immunefi to host a bug bounty program specifically designed for smart contract bugs. If you discover any smart contract-related issues, please visit to access the bug reporting page. The guidelines provided on the bug bounty program page will help you effectively submit your report. Valid bug reports within the smart contract scope may be eligible for rewards as a token of our appreciation for your contribution to enhancing the security of our platform.


If you come across any bugs or vulnerabilities that are beyond the scope of the Immunefi program, you can still report them by sending an email to [email protected].

For reports that fall outside the defined scope of the Immunefi program, we may provide discretionary payouts. We particularly prioritize and bring attention to significant issues that were previously unknown to us.

When reporting, please provide clear and concise steps to reproduce the bug or vulnerability, along with any relevant technical details and supporting materials such as screenshots or code snippets. It is essential to follow responsible disclosure practices and respect the privacy and security of our users and systems during your research.

We greatly appreciate your efforts in helping us maintain a secure environment, and we value your contributions to the security of our platform. Thank you for your support and dedication to ensuring a safe and reliable digital experience

Security policy

At Toucan, we prioritize the security and protection of our users’ information. This Security Policy outlines the measures and practices we employ to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data on our website. By using our website, you agree to abide by this policy. Please read it carefully.

Data Protection and Privacy

    We collect and process user data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

    We only collect data that is necessary for the provision of our services and with the explicit consent of our users.

    We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard user data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

    We do not sell or share user data with third parties unless required by law or with explicit user consent.

Secure Transmission

    We use encryption technologies (e.g., SSL/TLS) to ensure secure transmission of data between your device and our website.

    We regularly update and maintain the security of our systems to protect against vulnerabilities and emerging threats.

Account Security

    Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials.

Website Access

    Access to sensitive areas of our website is restricted to authorized personnel only.

    Unauthorized attempts to access restricted areas or perform malicious activities on our website are strictly prohibited.

Third-Party Services

    We may use third-party services, such as analytics or advertising platforms, which have their own privacy and security policies.

    We strive to collaborate with reputable service providers who follow industry best practices to protect user information.

Cookies and Tracking

    We may use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and track website usage.

    Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.

Security Incident Response

    In the event of a security incident or data breach, we have established procedures to promptly respond, mitigate, and notify affected users as required by applicable laws.

Updates and Compliance

    We regularly review and update our security measures to align with evolving threats and industry standards.

    This Security Policy may be revised from time to time. Users will be notified of any material changes.

User Responsibilities

    Users must use our website responsibly and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

    Users should refrain from engaging in any activity that may compromise the security or functionality of our website or harm other users.

Contact Information

For any security-related concerns, questions, or reports, please contact our security team at [email protected].

By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Security Policy. We reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including legal remedies, against any user found violating this policy.

Last Updated: 23.05.23