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Digital rails for climate finance

We’re building infrastructure that makes it easier for carbon credits to be bought, sold and retired.

Toucan addresses two key bottlenecks in Carbon Markets

Carbon Credit Information and Transparency

Credit Liquidity

Toucan's infrastructure supports a liquid market where project developers can instantly sell their credits to mobilize capital. This allows these key actors to scale their impact, while an efficient market price discovery.

Tokenized Carbon Credits Compliancy

Risk Assessment

Our data layer lets buyers comprehensively assess risk by providing deep visibility into information about credits origination, monitoring and market performance. This allows buyers to support projects with confidence.

News and Resources

The numbers

Post-launch, Toucan’s infrastructure rapidly scaled to support $4 billion in carbon credit trading volume. Today, we represent 85% of all digital carbon credits.

Carbon trading volume

$ 0 + billion

Carbon credit retirements (tonnes)

0 k+

Carbon credits uploaded to our platform

0 m+

Climate projects

0 +

What we offer

Our product suite provides key insights and tooling for project developers, credit buyers, and everyone inbetween. All carbon market actors can use our tools to smoothly navigate the complex landscape of climate finance.

Instant settlements

Project developers can directly tap into new and established demand sources, while market participants move beyond over-the-counter trades.

Toucan Dashboard

Data transparency

Everyone can view comprehensive information of individual carbon credits, including when and how often they have been transacted, and for what price.

Toucan's Open Carbon Explorer

Verified retirements

Credit buyers can confidently perform retirements in hours instead of months, knowing that their climate investment delivers the impact they’re aiming to achieve.

Certificate ClimatePositive

Who we're collaborating with

Our purpose is to unlock climate action at scale and transition the world towards an economy that thrives within the planetary boundaries.